Hi, I'm Andrea — a digital craftsman who trades hype for measured results. I create solutions with code, sharing the journey. Love a good challenge: let's build something!

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AI in Locale: Una Soluzione sicura ed economica

Il crescente utilizzo di modelli di intelligenza artificiale sta cambiando il modo in cui affrontiamo una vasta gamma di problemi, da quelli legati all'automazione a quelli della personalizzazione dei servizi. Sebbene molte organizzazioni si siano affidate a soluzioni

Reverse engineering an IoT API

As our homes become increasingly connected, IoT devices have become an integral part of our daily lives. While these smart devices offer convenience and automation, understanding how they communicate can be both fascinating and educational. Today, I'd like

Vacanze estive 2024

É arrivato il momento di una pausa! Sarò in vacanza in due periodi questa estate: dal 15 al 21 luglio e dal 19 al 30 agosto. Durante queste date non sarò disponibile per nuove richieste o per lavorare su progetti

Grafana Agent(s), meets Alloy

As an indie software developer, I frequently have to deploy monitoring solutions for software I develop or support. I recently had the pleasure of exploring the evolution of Grafana from a visualization tool to a comprehensive monitoring suite with various

Caddy: an Nginx - Traefik - HAProxy alternative

Are you tired of adding tools to your Kubernetes clusters? Do you want a more integrated and straightforward approach to ingress control? Look no further than Caddy, an Nginx, Traefik, and HAProxy alternative. In this article, we'll explore

Understanding Kubernetes Service Access Types

Understanding Kubernetes service access types has been tough for me. It felt confusing and overwhelming at times. So, I decided to write this article to help others who might feel the same way. My goal is to break down these